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The day has come and your friend or coworker is going to retire. You are going to miss them. You might be a bit jealous, even downright envious. You need a special gift that will always remind them of the people they left behind.

Retirement Bear!

These memory teddy bears are created to preserve a memory and say "you did it, you got out!"

Serious or light-hearted, formal or frivolous, we CAN make a bear that will be perfect for each and every retirement.

Click on each bear for a larger view. Retirement bears are made using fabric colors or design to reflect something special about the person or the business [or both!] Vest includes name, perhaps place of employment and dates, and a related photo. These examples have pictures of the schools these people were employed at. School fabric, school colors, mascot or personal colors and interests were used.

These are available in 12" [$49.95 ] and 16" [$59.95], plus shipping. Prices will increase to $59.95 and $69.95 on 3/15/2020

Email with questions and concerns, payment options and shipping instructions.


 Plan for YOUR retirement memory teddy bear now.

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Ó Bellybutton Bears LLC 2020